Friday 1 May 2020

ziyarat syeda zaineb (a.s)


 Sherain of Syedha Zaneb

 Sherain syedha zaineb (a.s) located in the city of Sayyidah Zaynab, in the southern suburbs of Damascus Syria. According to    Twelver shia Muslim   tradition, the mosque contains the grave of zaneb (a.s), the daughter of imam ali(a.s) and Fatima(a.s) and granddaughter of Hazrat Muhmmad(PBUH) The tomb became a center of Twelver religious studies in Syria and a destination of Muslim pilgrimage cross the Muslim world, beginning in the 1980s. The zenith of visitation normally occurs in the summer. The present-day mosque that hosts the tomb was built in 1990.                                                                  
 The shrine is an example of Shia-Persian architecture and the dome is gold-leafed. The doors of the shrine are made of pure gold with mirror works on the roof and walls. The two tall minarets of the shrine are an excellent example of the architecture. The shrine has a large market in front of it with many religious things readily available .
The shrine has been managed by the Mourtada’s (ال مرتضى) family since the fourteenth century. Financially, the shrine has been funded mainly by the Iranian government following 1979. Given their financial investment, the ideological direction of the shrine and the prayer hall follow Ayatollah Khamanei.  The shrine is dominated by pilgrims until it is closed at 9 pm after the Isha prayer. The shrine is sometimes seen by some as a place of miracles.                                 
 Ali Shariati, the Iranian ideologue of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, had wished before his death, to be buried in the yard of Zaynab bint Ali,  Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque and is regularly visited by many  pilgrims of whole over the world
Ismaili Shia/ Dawoodi Bohra believe that this mausoleum is of Sayyida Zainab-ul sughra/ Sayyida Kulthum, the younger sister of Zainab, Mausoleum of senior Zainab is at Al-Sayeda Zainab Mosque, Cairo.

The name of the town is derived from the shrine that contains the grave of  zaynab(a.s) It is believed by Muslims that the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque is the authentic burial place of Lady Zaynab, whereas the mosque in Cairo  by the same name belongs to Zaynab bint Yahya bint Zayd bint ALI ZAIN UL ABDEEN (a.s)(i.e. the great granddaughter of the Imam). 




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